The Age Girls Become Self-Conscious About Their Bodies: With every generation, that self-consciousness strikes at a younger age. [Yahoo Parenting]
Why Your Child Is So Attached to That Lovey: Having a lovey is actually a normal, healthy part of development [Yahoo Parenting]
Are Girls Protected From Autism? Turns out, being female is actually protective of neurodevelopment disorders [Yahoo Parenting]
Six Bad Habits That Influence Your Daughter: Sidestep these common challenges and find out how to be a beautiful role model for your daughter [YouBeauty]
A Mom's Guide to College Savings: Tips from financial experts about how to build your savings now [Parenting]
Save on the Top 3 New Baby Expenses: Cost-saving strategies essential for keeping your family's baby-budget in check during your child's first year [Parenting]
4 Baby Sleep Strategies That Work: Road-tested, reliable methods for getting babies to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night [Parenting]